


On the "Marconi waves"

The fool of Pontecchio, as the locals called him, then became the symbol of Sasso Marconi thanks to the fame and scientific successes he obtained and which led him to reach the Nobel Prize. The paternal house, the room where his grandfather raised the worms that he transformed into a laboratory, the Celestine hill from which he sent the first "wireless" signal, are the places where Guglielmo Marconi carried out the first wireless radiotelegraphy experiments.


Villa Griffone – Marconi Museum, Marconi's paternal house where the museum dedicated to the scientist is located

Colle dei Celestini - place where the first wireless telegraphy experiment was carried out Mausoleo Marconi

Montechiaro Church -  background of the mysterious murder of Marconi's uncle

Marconi park - garden with games based on Marconi's experiments


Lungo il Reno


Fin dalle epoche più lontane, i percorsi lungo i fiumi furono utilizzati come vie di comunicazione. Così avvenne per la valle del Reno, che permetteva collegamenti e traffici tra la pianura e la dorsale appenninica. Oggi questa passeggiata è l’ideale per una giornata di relax ed offre un paesaggio estremamente ricco e vario. Partendo da testimonianze storico artistiche, il sentiero costeggia la scenografica parete rocciosa del Balzo del Prunarolo, dentro la quale si trova l’acquedotto romano, e le scoscese pareti dei calanchi di Sabbiuno e Pieve del Pino. Il sentiero non presenta particolari difficoltà ma garantisce un paesaggio naturale alquanto pittoresco.


Palazzo De Rossi – palazzo di fine quattrocento in stile tardogotico

Ponte di Vizzano - ponte sospeso sul Reno, costruito nel 1930

Oasi Naturale di San Gherardoriserva naturale ricavata da una ex cava con possibilità di birdwatching

Parco Talonprezioso polmone verde di grande qualità ambientale


The path of Mastelletta


Giovanni Andrea Donducci (Baroque painter), known as Mastelletta, spent a good part of his life in Sasso Marconi. It is remembered because between 1613 and 1614 he contributed to the decoration of the chapel of the Basilica of San Domenico in Bologna. In the early 1600s, Mastelletta stayed in the locality of Tintoria (in Sasso Marconi) in search of peace. However, he had not come to terms with the sound of zufoli, wind instruments played by shepherds, so that  after useless protests, he decided to buy them. From that moment, many peasants showed up at his house with the sole purpose of selling the whistles. He then moved to a nearby cottage on the Rhine where he was disturbed by the croaking of frogs: he tried to scare them, without success. Today, the annoying whistles are no longer heard but the charm of the landscapes painted by Mastelletta remains along this promenade that connects the center of Sasso Marconi and arrives at the village of Fontana, along the Reno.


La Rupe – in the ancient rock church Mastelletta played the organ to delight himself and painted the paintings depicting Saints Sebastian and Rocco

Cà Tintoria - along the road that runs along the Reno (immediately after its confluence with the Setta, background of several paintings by Donducci)

Palazzo Sanutiresidence of Nicolò Sanuti


Between sacred and profane


Each place has its own legends and superstitions. The evocative force of the Rupe has always been so powerful that it creates magic and mystery and arouses feelings of fear and horror. At the end of the nineteenth century two fortune tellers lived on the cliff whose teachings were put into practice with great confidence by the whole town. The Sasso also hosted a seer who, the day before the landslide of 1892, predicted its catastrophe. Perhaps also to defeat these fears, since 1283, the same Rupe has hosted the sacred image of the Blessed Virgin with the child, which we can now find (reproduced) inside the Sanctuary of the Madonna del Sasso. This walk ends in the place that unites the sacred and the profane: a religious vow of 1630 to defeat "hunger, war and plague", under penalty of eternal damnation.


La Rupe – a symbolic place that has always been believed to be animated by the Devil's Fosso del Diavolo, whose name takes up a legend in which the devil killed two next novices, pushing one into the river and throwing a stone on top of the other

Sanctuary of the Madonna del Sasso - Piazza dei Martiri (where, at the beginning of the 19th century, the image of the Blessed Virgin was transferred, previously preserved in the church inside the Rupe)

Oratorio di Sant’Apollonia - voto con minaccia di dannazione eterna
