The naturalistic Oasi
of San Gherardo
All’Oasi si accede attraverso periodiche visite guidate adatte a grandi e piccini, occasione per praticare il birdwatching, effettuare passeggiate naturalistiche e conoscere meglio gli aspetti geologici e morfologici del territorio.
L'Oasi dispone di una Casa della Natura: un centro di documentazione e divulgazione scientifica attrezzato con spazi didattici e servizi di accoglienza per gruppi e scolaresche, dove approfondire lo studio delle specie autoctone e degli ambienti naturali delle zone umide.
NOVITA' 2021: l' Oasi San Gherardo resterà aperta tutte le Domeniche dalle 10 alle 18. Apertura della Casa della Natura, con servizio di accoglienza e informazione sull'Oasi e i suoi eventi e sulla Via degli Dei, rivolta agli escursionisti che percorrono il trekking e ai visitarori occasionali.
About the Oasis
Established fifteen years ago from the redevelopment of a quarry located along the Reno river valley in Pontecchio, the San Gherardo natural oasis today represents a place for the conservation of biodiversity and the protection of local flora and fauna.
The Oasis is made up of large grasslands and two large freshwater wetlands, where trees, shrubs and aquatic plants have been planted. The habitat for the survival of rare plant species and some animal species was thus recreated: birds such as mallard, gray heron, kingfisher, snipe and birds of prey such as the peregrine falcon, found in marshy areas and in the walls of the Pliocene Buttress the environment suitable for sheltering, reproducing and feeding during wintering.
The Oasis and the Via degli Dei Path
The Oasis also has a new rest area equipped with an information board, bench and fountain, accessible both to groups on a guided tour and to hikers in transit from the S. Gherardo area: the Oasis is located along the path of the Via degli Dei, the track of Etruscan origin that connects Bologna to Florence, and the many enthusiasts who travel this historic itinerary, on foot or by mountain bike, now have a new parking space available to stock up on drinking water.
Thing to see
- The geological and morphological aspects ( the Pliocene sandstones of the Balzo dei Rossi, the terrace of the Reno River).
- The riparian forest with willows and poplars and marshy vegetation.
- The arid meadows and the specialized vegetation of the badlands.
- The vegetation of the arenaceous walls.
- Hornbeam and oak woods.
- The Apennine toad and many other amphibians.
- The wall and country lizards, the luscengola and several other reptiles.
- Birds of wetlands (ducks, coots, herons, grebes, cormorants, ...).
- The peregrine falcon that nests in the walls of the Balzo dei Rossi and the other birds of prey.
- The nightjar and other birds of bushes and warm grasslands.
- The porcupine and many ungulates (roe deer, fallow deer and wild boar).
- The fox and the wolf
- Breeding of rare and threatened amphibians, such as the Apennine toad
Things to do
- Birdwatching activity.
- Visits with nature guides.
- Censuses of flora and fauna, aided by experts.
- Many other volunteer activities for nature conservation.
- Environmental education for schools.